Big Game Update

Yesterday work in class for my unity game I completed multiple areas that I wanted to complete and this was the biggest progression day so far when making the game. I focused on a few areas that I wanted to get working in my game such as the score in the game works when collecting the coin ball now and that's working fine. Also I got my timer to work and it also changes to the right scene in my game when you run out of time. Also in that day i got my player character working it can move left and right know and it can also jump in the game too which is a massive update on the game and my portal in my game also works when you go through it changes to level 2 and comes out of portal 2.

Next day i will be working on getting the score and timer to transfer over from both levels, and also sorting the continually jump bug with some code too. and then doing the spikes damage when hit.

Get Super Luke Arcade

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